Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Christmas Cards...

they're still sitting on my counter.  Waiting for stamps...  I hope I make it to the post office before heading into Wal-Mart to work.  I had the best intentions to load the kids up, get stamps, ingredients for cookies, and a few other odds and ends.  However, and there seems to always be a however, I couldn't find Emmy's other shoe, and then it was 1 and Days was on, the boys wanted to go play with their friends, and Alex was whinny because it was nap time.  So there my cards sit... still on the counter... and it's one day closer to Christmas... and one more day late for my Christmas cards.  To bad too, cause they were really cute this year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!

This is my first Not Me! Monday... but here I go!

It was not me that decided a little less then a year ago that I, the girl that can't ever do anything everyday for more then a week, was going to do a project 365.  And it definitely was not me that only made it a few months collectively.  Because we all know that when I decide to do something I do it all the way or nothing! 

I so did not let my children eat candy bars before lunch because we only eat healthy around here and only have chocolate for special occasions.

It's a good thing I'm not a procrastinator too.  I would never wait till the last minute to make Christmas cards, get them stuffed, stamped, ready to mail at the last minute and then STILL have them sitting on the counter ready to be mailed! 

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.